Meet The Team

Dr. Rex Devasahayam Arokia Balaya

Assistant Professor Conceptualized and Developed

ProteoArk, conceptualized and developed by Dr. Rex D. A. B, is an innovative computational toolset designed to streamline proteomics data analysis. Balaya, equipped with over seven years of extensive experience in the field of proteomics, applied his knowledge of proteomics sample processing and data analysis to create a sophisticated and user-friendly platform. ProteoArk is a testament to his profound understanding of proteomics and his commitment to making complex data analysis accessible to a broader scientific community. The tool allows users to directly analyze and visualize data from their browser, automates most analysis steps, and accommodates any input format. Through ProteoArk, Balaya's ambition to democratize proteomics data analysis comes to fruition, underscoring his significant contributions to advancements in the field.

Mohammed Nisar

Technical officer Software framework designed, developed and deployed.

ProteoArk tool framework is designed, developed and deployed by Nisar, in collaboraton with Dr. Rex D. A. B. Applying his 5 years of software development expertise and analytical acumen, Nisar was instrumental in the design of the ProteoArk. This user-friendly interface, designed to distill complex proteomics data into comprehensible insights, is a testament to his proficiency in various programming languages and web technologies. Furthermore, his understanding of the proteomics field was pivotal in making ProteoArk accessible to both programmers and non-programmers. Nisar's unique combination of technical skills and domain knowledge has significantly influenced the evolution of ProteoArk, propelling it forward in the field of proteomics data analysis.

Sreelakshmi P S

Junior Research Fellow Data Visualization Specialist

Sreelakshmi, a skilled Data Visualization Specialist, has made substantial contributions to ProteoArk, a tool for proteomics data analysis. Utilizing her expertise, she incorporated a range of plotting options into the tool, facilitating intuitive data interpretation. Her commitment to user-friendly design has simplified the visualization process, enabling researchers to easily uncover trends and patterns in their proteomics data. Sreelakshmi's work has been instrumental in enhancing ProteoArk's usability, bolstering her reputation as a leader in the field of data visualization.

Sourav Sreelan

Data Science Intern Front-end Developer

Sourav, a skilled front-end developer and designer, played a crucial role in developing ProteoArk, a cutting-edge tool for proteomics data analysis. His expertise in HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Bootstrap allowed for seamless integration of intuitive user interfaces, ensuring a smooth and visually appealing experience for researchers.Collaborating with Sreelakshmi and Nisar, Sourav successfully bridged the gap between technical functionality and user-friendly design, resulting in an interface that seamlessly integrated with ProteoArk's analytical capabilities. His dedication and craftsmanship led to a tool that appealed to both programmers and non-programmers in the proteomics field.